31/10/2022 Franck Bugnet Trick

How to maximize the working areas thanks to the separators?

This very simple and very fast trick allows you to enlarge with one click one of the areas on which you want to work.

There are many separators between the different tables or tabs. If you position yourself on a separator, you click and while moving it you can thus enlarge or reduce the table.

Applicable to : Merlin Backoffice ™, PrestaPricing and PrestaCategorie addons (tuto and screen shots made with PrestaPricing)

How to maximize an area with separators?

For example, if you work on products and you have displayed the table of declinations and images then that of the images you have on the screen at least 3 separators, movable, thanks to their handles shown in yellow below.

How to maximize an area in PrestaPricing and PrestaCategories

With a simple right click on the separator n ° 1, you can maximize the table of declinations and images:

How to maximize an area in PrestaPricing and PrestaCategories

By right clicking on the separator n ° 3 this time, the whole place is dedicated to the table of products:

How to maximize an area in PrestaPricing and PrestaCategories

A new right click on the separator 3 then on the 1 will allow you to return to the first screenshot.

The best is to try for yourself to familiarize yourself with these tools.

How to reset all separators to their default position

If everything is loose, if you feel a little lost in relation to the position of all your separators, you can double-click on any of the separators, for example the one highlighted in yellow below, replace them all at their initial default position.


How to reset separators to their default position in PrestaPricing and PrestaCategories

After double clicking on one of the separators:

How to reset separators to their default position in PrestaPricing and PrestaCategories

Next week we will remind you of an absolutely fundamental notion, because it happens to us regularly to discuss with a user who does not know how to do: how to associate quickly (in a single click), the same manufacturer to a large number of products. The method also applies to almost all other sections of the database.

Category's other articles Settings and ergonomic tips

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