Adjust the horizontal scrawlers of the tables to define the fix columns
This tip allows you to set the limit between the visible columns to the left of a table and those that can scroll right through the horizontal elevator in PrestaPricing and PrestaCategories
Applicable to : Merlin Backoffice ™, PrestaPricing and PrestaCategorie addons (tuto and screen shots made with PrestaPricing)
How to adjust horizontal scrawlers in tables to define visible columns and columns that can scroll through PrestaPricing and PrestaCategories?
Let's assume in the example below that you want to freeze all the columns up to the column "Associated categories".
Move the cursor over the cell containing the title of this column. Then move this cursor to the bottom left corner of this cell, until a small locker appears. When it appears, click.
After clicking on the padlock, you will see a horizontal elevator at the bottom of this column allowing you to scroll through all the columns to the right of it. The columns to the left of the elevator remain visible.
How do I view the rightmost columns of a table when the horizontal slider disapeared?
It has certainly happened to you to have a table with many columns without arriving to visualize all the columns of right and without horizontal slider as illustrated below:
Simply proceed as described above by making the horizontal slider visible again by clicking on the locker of a column visible on the screen.
In short, with this trick you can adjust the horizontal elevators in any table to choose the columns that must always be visible in the left part of the table and those that can be scrolled with the elevator horizontal.
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