Best PrestaShop addon: Merlin Backoffice ® or PrestaPricing + PrestaCategories ?
Merlin Backoffice ® now replaces our 2 best-selling PrestaPricing and PrestaCategories bulk editing catalog modules.
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But what does Merlin Back Office bring?
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An all-in-one PrestaShop module to manage both products and categories.+Find out more...
Two different views in the software allow to optimize the work with an adapted interface. They are constantly synchronized for an even more significant time saving.
The product management view :
The category management view:
PrestaPricing's advanced features, such as filtering back according to feature values, can now be used to select the right products before moving them or associating them to a group of categories.
The tab of the target categories from PrestaCategories becomes a new detachable and dockable panel on the right, and is common to the two views (product management and categories management).
Overview of the solution, with the two side panels detached, perfect for multi screens settings:
What does not change:
We still offer the possibility for our customers to buy only the product management part (equivalent to PrestaPricing's basic functions) or just the category management part (equivalent to PrestaCategories basic functions).
A very aggressive low price policy, allowing anyone who engages in e-commerce with PrestaShop, whatever their experience and level, to work with professional tools that are efficient, powerful, fast and almost playful.
An irreplaceable free support.
A lightweight, simplified and more intuitive interface.Find out more...
All remaining buttons have now a label:
Better organisation of functionalities.
Commands playing globally on the data of the entire table have their own button (example "All"), with a label.The right-click menu contains only the column-specific functionality (for example, value copies in the column):
In the context menu, in addition to the two options "filter on this column" and "remove the filter from this column", we added "Delete all column filters".
In addition, this option is grayed out automatically if no filters are set. And the option "remove the filter from this column" also gets gray if the clicked column is not filtered.
The functionality of the line height adjustment is placed in the context menu of the table (icon in the upper right):
And finally the "grouped actions" features on a selection of lines are gathered in a multi-function button:
Gear and eye buttons replaced with a pre-filter drop-down list to select which products to list (main products and / or associated products). Much intuitive. Coming soon more pre-filters:
Hidden filters, but marked active using the orange color:
Filtres déroulés :
Lite interface by rolling the "create new customer groups" and "create specific prices" forms.
Whenever possible, display the product name in the row separating a block of rows in the tables. For example, in the table of variants, the separators indicate the name of the product of the combinations located below.
The 1st unlocking and connection window is lighter. The unlocking part and license management is independent of the connection part:
Ergonomics widely revised upwards :
Once the MagicEdit window is opened, it keeps focus (impossible to commit the error to change the selection of rows in the table). In addition, the values that are to be modified are highlighted (darker background) in the table.In the context menu options of the "Copy this value in ..." style, the words "this value" are replaced by the value itself for a better understanding of the action performed. In addition, the cells that will be modified are highlighted in the table (darker background). When a cell is copied into other cells, the model cell is highlighted with a bright color :
Association columns (eg tags or product carriers association to products) are now placed to the left of the tables, so that they are always visible.
When entering the name of a connection to be searched, pressing the enter key on the keyboard starts the search (no need to click the "magnifying" button).
A more efficient, logical and practical operation. The devil is in the details.Find out more...
Seems marginal or technical, but yet this is an essential change, the column filters in the categories trees now have the ability to search for hidden categories even in the branches never read. For the user it simply means that the result of the filtering is always complete, no category is missing.
Pressing the Enter key on the keyboard when entering the value of a filter immediately refreshes the display of the table by applying the entered filter, no need to click on the refresh button.
Often requested: Quick automatic search in the lists of manufacturers and suppliers of pre-filters by entering the 1st letters.
Ex: It was enough here to type Fas to find Fashion Manufacturer:
"Maximize the window when opening" is unchecked when changing the size of the window and checking when maximized.
The message "window is not wide enough to lock the panel" is displayed only if the window is fully loaded.
The list of "Visibility" values (in the catalog, in the search, in both) and "status" (new, used, reconditioned) in the product table is now translated into French for better clarity.
Simplification for better intuitiveness, there is now a single column "Behavior in case of out of stock" instead of 2 (text and value).
The date of creation of the products is now modifiable in mass. Allows a copy paste of this date to change the "new" status of a product selection.
In category tables, column filters and the new auto-filtered selection function, ignores accents and uppercase letters (search for "Camera" finds "camera").
MagicEdit now available in the attributes table of the generator window, for example to copy the full taxes impacts in the without taxes column or vice versa.
New columns (or views) configuration editor, using drag and drop.Find out more...
Configurator of the columns of the table of products, declinations, specific prices and categories. Choice of columns, width, order, titles... Unlimited number of possible configurations.
Ability to define and filter your "favorite" columns, for faster selections.
There is no more compulsory column in the tables. It is up to you, for example, to choose whether to include the columns of identifiers.
We are also considering a system to share configurations between users...
View and batch select categories associated with products with a single click in the table.Find out more...
It should have been done earlier: a new button allows to display in the table of target categories new columns indicating their default category of the selected products (1 column for each shop in multi shops) as well as all their so-called associated categories :
They contain three-state ticks, such as tags or carriers for example, allowing a glance to see if a category is associated or not with all the products selected and especially to modify in mass these associations of a single click.
"Form" tab enriched with reference fields, price, quantity and much more.Find out more...
You can now fully edit the products pages from this tab. It thus replaces the ABC sheet window, while allowing to work even faster:
Stock available in the title of the stock tab, and sales price incl. VAT in the title of the price tab, for a quick view when editing a product sheet.
Possible addition and replacement of photos directly from the card, by filing files with the mouse.
Even easier and quicker to add, replace, delete photos in articles.Find out more...
Add photos by drag and drop :
Add photos (single, batch, or even an XLS listing of photos) by simply dragging and dropping from the Windows File Explorer directly into the product tab of the form tab. If the product already has a cover photo, you are proposed to delete it or replace it, or simply treat the new one as a secondary image. With immediate product association (no need to change the settings in the association window):
It is also possible to replace a photo of one product with another, by simply dragging it down in the row of the image table. Preservation of the legend (Alt tag), position, coverage, association with shops and declinations, only thumbnail files are replaced:
Also added is a function of replacing the picture of a category by simple drag and drop in the line of the image, in the table of the images of the categories.
Automatic deletions :
Possible deletion of files when removing the photo of a product (optional), in order to save server disk space.Option to delete the selected photo when adding a photo to a category.
Option to remove all photos before csv import with photos.
New: button to delete the categories images.
Best compatibility with PrestaShop 1.7.Find out more...
Managing the new ISBN field.
Managing the new show_condition field.
Auto selection of categories and products using a filter.Find out more...
Editor's note: Just great, you must try this one. This is our favorite novelty. See here.
PrestaShop multi-stores management is even more powerfulFind out more...
The entire management of categories part, originating from PrestaCategories, is now capable of functioning on any selection of shops (and no longer in only one or all of them).
Cloning of categories is now possible in a multiple selection of shops (not necessarily the same as those already associated with the source categories).
New option when cloning categories, which allows you to choose as target shops either the shops associated with the source categories or the shops associated with the target categories.
The behavior of the saving data of the form tab in multi-store mode is now consistent with the saving of data from the product table and product translations.
The display in the list of groups of shops and shops is now more coherent: the groups select themselves as soon as all their shops are selected (or its opposite). Same for the "All" line.
A new option allows you to decide whether or not the list of customer groups is filtered on the selected stores (before, was filtered by default).
Optimized and faster product order modification interface.Find out more...
Includeed a wew automated pre-filtering that only lists associated products, associated line separators, position column. This mode is automatically selected when you want to change the order of products in their associated categories.
Automatically return to the previous settings at the end of tool use:
Easier to find and edit or move products and categories. !Find out more...
Key improvement: The translations tables for products and categories now display a line for all languages, even when the product or category has not yet been translated into the language.
The main table of products now lists even the products that have not yet translated, so that they can be given a name, description, etc from any working language and not only from the default language.
This makes all the difference when you add languages to the shop after you create the products.
The movement of products (from one category to another) now acts on all selected ones, even if they do not belong to one of the selected source categories. This makes possible to move products using, for example, the "Eye" button to search for them.
The display mode of the products "Grouped by associated categories" is simplified, it now lists only the product blocks corresponding to the selected categories. It is also exhaustive, as it now lists all the products, whatever the shops they are linked to or not.
Once again, a significant gain in speed of treatment. The fastest PrestaShop back office, ever.Find out more...
Optimization of all scripts of the customer groups tab, using loops. Up to 100 times faster.
This concerns:
- association of all clients with selected groups
- association of all categories with new client groups
- filling table product_group_reduction_cache
- association of new groups to carriers
- association of new groups to modules
- association of new groups to shops
Incredible improvement in the speed execution of bulk modifications, by calculation and by importing quantities of products and combinations. It was a weak point of the previous versions (with PS> = 15000) that has been converted transformed into a strong point thanks to the use of the advanced functionalities of MySQL 5.x.
Other parts of the software will undergo in the future the same cure of youth. An example: Increasing by 10 the quantity of 250 products now takes less than one second instead of 10 seconds before.
An enriched automatic tool for importing and updating product sheets to PrestaShop.Find out more...
Support for Excel xls and xlsx multi-sheet and non-standard files :
When an Excel file contains multiple sheets, you can now tell the import tool which one to use.A new parameter is used to indicate which line contains the titles in the sheet to be imported (default value = 1). Lets you ignore the empty or header lines of files.
It is now also possible to import files that do not have column titles, using one of the data rows as alternative columns header. Supports all csv and Excel file formats.
A new parameter can also specifies the row containing the first row of data in the file to be imported (default value = 2), allowing you to skip a part of the file or at the opposite to import the data of the first line.
The function of removing quotes surrounding texts now works also with Excel files .XLS and .XLSX. It is more convenient to manage converted CSV files to Excel.
New supported formats for import file timestamps, using: as separator
The csv export feature is also improved:
The export of the "out of stock" column, in PrestaShop compatible mode, gives 0, 1 or 2 instead of "Accept orders", "Reject orders", "Default". This makes it easier to re-import automatically because the PrestaShop database only accepts values of 0, 1 or 2.
: After an import, when the option to refresh the main screen is checked and the "Select All" mode is activated, this mode is retained after refreshing (the products or declinations are all automatically re-selected).Similarly, if one or more products or combinations, but not all, were selected, the first of them is automatically re-selected and its line rendered visible on the screen after the import.
Improved reliability thanks to an automatic verification and repair of the base data option.Find out more...
A new option, checked by default, allows at each connection, to verify that each category and each product has a existing translation, in all shops and all languages. Necessary to display these lines (even if they are empty of data) and thus be able to work on the translations of fully hidden items:
Better synchronization (updating) of the various tables and drop-down lists containing the list of customers groups, when adding or deleting a group.
Fixed inherited PrestaPricing or PrestaCategories defects :
- Excessive slowness in mass changes in quantities / stocks. T
- When importing a CSV, if there is no stock column, it is very fast, but if there are stocks it is very slow.
- Fixed an old SQL Bug about ca.id_shop_default
- If only one store is selected, it is not possible to change unassociated categories (+ error message). But possible if two boutiques selected, even unassociated.
- Multi-store mode or not, can not modify by pasting the categories not associated with those selected (1 or 2), but display screen updated and no error message
- Multi-store mode, two shops selected, not possible to change categories not associated with any. But display changed and no error message.
- Multi Shop mode or not, if two boutiques are selected, it is not possible with MagicEdit to change the categories not associated with any. But display changed and no error message
- If shops 1,2,3,4 are selected, in multi-store mode, changes take into account that in shop 3 while the category is associated with 3 and 4. OK if only 3 and 4 selected. 3 and 4 sharing the quantities.
- Translation table of products does not update if all stores are selected, following modification name in form, with multi-shop mode activated.
- Light bug, change category selection, does not re-select all images if the "Select All" button in the image table is pressed.
- Fixed a SQL error "unknown column shgr.share_stock in field list ..." when viewing products from a store that is part of a shared-quantity group, with the column "physical quantity" or "location" .
- Unable to do otherwise than accept Delete Default provider when changed by - in the product table column
- Fixed a crash if a new characteristic or attribute was not created in the database (table with null index)
- Fix for PS1.7: the categories were erroneously displayed as not associated with the shop and the program forbade in this case to modify them
- Optimization and security: passing the call of the script of reconstruction of the breadcrumb trail in POST mode instead of GET
- Import compatible with PS 17100 and higher. Fix error line 5 of set_insert_by_list_in_product_and_product_shop
- Modification in mass by calculation of quantities on declinations, in the 4 shops (not in multi mode) => the upward code only works in the 1st shop of the product.