News about Prestashop addons By Sitolog

Addons for Prestashop.

Sitolog loves the Prestashop ecosystem and its addons (modules).

We sometimes recommend addons because we find them useful for the community.

Find here the best addons for your Prestashop E-commerce to allow you to better manage your business.

AutoPresta 3.0 highlights

byFranck Bugnet - SITOLOG 3Years ago

Find out in pictures the major new features of AutoPresta version 3.0: taking VAT into account, importing credit notes, programmed purchasing and much more...

Best PrestaShop addon: Merlin Backoffice ® or PrestaPricing + PrestaCategories ?

byFranck Bugnet - SITOLOG 7Years ago

Detailled comparison between Merlin Backoffice PrestaShop module and PrestaPricing plus PrestaCategories solutions. All new features are listed.

PrestaPricing 7.1 & 7.2 : faster, support of warehouses, CKEditor...

byFranck Bugnet - SITOLOG 8Years ago

Versions 7.1 and 7.2 are faster, support the advanced stock management mode, include CKEditor, support multi suppliers association, prices and references and more than 30 others features.

PrestaCategories activates the turbo. How to create 5000 categories in 2 min

byFranck Bugnet - SITOLOG 8Years ago

What if you could work 100 to 1000 times faster, create, move or activate thousands of categories and products in seconds? It is possible with the version 6.

Discover the new features of PP V7.0 and PC V5.0

byFranck Bugnet - SITOLOG 9Years ago

Many of you were waiting for this release. Here they are, with amazing new features, a new interface, and more powerfull than ever...

New version 6.1.4.d of PrestaPricing is available

byFranck Bugnet - SITOLOG 9Years ago

This new version 6.1.4.d is a small upgrade correcting minor bugs.

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