Discover the new features of PP V7.0 and PC V5.0

Posted on9 Years ago by


Probably the most advanced versions, with real pieces of fruits inside ! Discover some of the most innovatives features...

Modern new look

This is not the most important but what you will notice at first, a new look using less colors:

Nouvelles couleurs de PrestaPricing

New control interface

The left control panel is unlockable and resizable :

Move it anywhere on the desk or on another screen to allocate all the space to work on the tables:

Panneau latéral détachable et redimentionnable

More options and mecanisms to open the various trays :

New "Form" tab, for an even faster way to edit products and categories text fields.

Faster than the ABC windowd (will be obsoleted), more complete than the "Desc." tab (has been removed), from this tab you be able to fill in all text field, in all languages (names, descriptions, SEO/meta , messages about availablity or out of stock status).

Includes browsing buttons to edit th previous or next product in one click (or category in PrestaCategories) with automatic saving of changed data.

Nouvel onglet fiche

The similar tab in PrestaCategories:

Onglet fiche de PrestaCatégories

Importation of specific prices and quantity discounts

The most demanded tool. You will now be able to import all your discounted prices from csv or xls files, in a nutshell.

Importation des prix spécifiques dans PrestaShop, avec PrestaPricing

Multiple file structures are supported, to upload specifiques prices or quantity discount prices or both :

Simple format, usng a colum mapped to "From quantity ", to defined the minimum number of products to purchase to benefit from the discount :

Format d'import prix simple

Format using multiples columns containing the new base price or discount. One column for each quantity range:

Format prix dégressifs

File mixing both formats :

Format d'import mixte

In this last case, you have in the same file a discount applicable for the quantity defined the the "from quantity" column and specific prices for quantities defined in the title of the column containing the discount.

Like for any other type of import with PrestaPricing, the name of the columns, their number and order is not imposed, thanks to the integrated mapping tool :

Mapping to specific prices criterias, defined by their ids or their names :

Identifiants ou valeur

Mapping of the new base price and the discount rates, with automatic recognition of the minimal quantity, found in the title (the program has analysed "price-200-500" and has automatically suggested "From quantity 200". Cool ):

Reconnaissance auto de la quantité mini à acheté pour ce prix de base.

New automatic filter to exclude combinations lines :

To be able to match correctly specific prices to the products or to their combinations, we have added a new filter that is searching for and hiding all lines containing a value in the column mapped to the combinations synchronisation key. So only lines specifics to product only remained visible:

Nouveau filtre d'exclusion des déclinaisons

New automatic scripts to handle obsolete products (not available any longer at your supplier) and those back in stock.

When importing it was already possible to ask the program to search and automatically deactivate the products that are no longer present in the import file. It happens often in fact that suppliers withdraw lines of products not available rather than just putting a stock column with a zero value. We must therefore compare the contents of the file with the products present in the database to see which have disappeared from the list and it is comfortable when it is the program that does it for you.

Disabling products is better than deleting them (they can become available agian one day), but not optimum for SEO because their URLs then generate an error and displays a blank page. To avoid losing SEO it is preferrable to leave them active, but make them unavailable for order (which has the effect of masking their stock quantity and the "add to cart" button), to hide their price, and eventually to set their stock quantity to zero (which has also the automatic effect of displaying the message "Product not available").

This is what allows this new version of PrestaPricing, fully automatically:

Désactivation ou déstockage automatique des produits obsolétes

We went even further , we added an option that, when the " obsolete " products become again available ( when they are again present in the new file) and if the columns managing these information are missing from the file or unmapped ( if present , they have priority ), automatically reactivates them, makes them orderable , re-displays their price and gives them a default quantity .

This tool is of course supported as the rest of the options by the planner. So synchronization of products out of stock or obsolete with your supplier database can be completely automated.

New exportation features, including exportation of specific prices

It is now possible to independently choose the format of the column titles and the format of their contents ( ids or values) . This is usefull to produce directly importable files (automatically mapped) into another PrestaShop database or better suitable to some marketplaces and comparison sites .

And of course as it is possible now to import the specific price, it is also possible to export them.

These two changes in the export tool have been thought and designed in order to migrate the special prices and quantities from one PrestaShop database to another basebase, even if using different PrestaShop versions:

Export des prix spécifiques

You may notice alsoo it is supporting extra formats like xlsx, txt and even xml (not yet importable).

Manual or automatic activation of PrestaShop hooks

Maybe you do not know that when one adds or modifies a product or category via the back office of PrestaShop, a bunch of scripts are launched automatically when you save the form. These scripts, which can be native and part of PrestaShop, may also belong to the extra modules.

An example of extrat script linked to each product update : the script of the ebay synchronization module between the base and the PrestaShop ebay, to have the same prices and stocks on both sides.

This automatic scripts launching mechanism works through the so-called hooks.

Up to the current version, both PrestaPricing PrestaCatégories knew nothing about hooks and did not activate the launch of these various server side scripts, when editing articles.

Something that belongs now to the past:

You can start the execution of the hooks at any time manually, by this button. The scripts are then run on all products and categories that were created or changed since the last execution of these hooks.

You can also simply check the "Auto activation at closure" option that will do for you automatically when closing the main window.

As the execution time of these external scripts is unknown in advance and can be very long, PrestaPricing and  PrestaCatégories launch them into a secondary process (multi threads). This allows you to continue using the software while the scripts run in the background.

The button is inactivated during this time to avoid launching hooks again until the first launch is complete.

Note: we also modified using the same principle, the behavior of the button "delete orphaned photos", to keep you informed when the cleaning job is complete.

To assist you during the end of the year inventory, we have included a column computing the stock value

Of course, from the beginning, PrestaPricing is at your side for your inventory updates, generate your labels and PrestaCatégories helps you reorganize your virtual store by storing products in strategic categories . But they lacked the little extra , a simple column ... which indicates for each item, the exact value of the stock (ie the purchase price of each item ( product and/or combinations ) multiplied by quantity in stock:

Valeur du stock

Note that the calculation is dynamic, realized upon reading the data in the table. It is not necessary that the column displaying quantities and the purchase price are included . However the column is updated in real time when you change quantities or purchase price in the table, without having to reread the database.

Also important to mention that of course, to have the amounts accurate , the calculation of the stock value of a product which has variations takes into account the quantity and the purchase price of each variation.

New rounding options (prices including taxes)

In Switzerland, where 1cts and 2cts coins do not exist, it is important to be able to round to 5cts.

You can now round to the closest price above the current one :

Arrondir à la valeur supérieure

Additionnaly you can also round the final prices, including discounts !!

We wondered why this is not possible in PrestaShop. Being able to round final prices, including all possible rebates, should be a basic function.

But, implementing it into PrestaPricing, we realize how much complex it is to do well! we have had to take into account the taxes that vary by country, the rebates that already apply to some customer groups, certain categories and take into account the conversion ratio of other currencies than the euro. The computing is also taking into account the price impact of the combinations. We did not forgot the ecotax either.

All of this to be able to round final prices prior the sales period.

You will understand, big migraine in Sitolog and many sleepless nights to provide that extra service. But we hope this nice feature will help you to boost your turnover during sales.

Arrondir les prix spécifiques

Moreover, to allow you to better control your rebated prices in advance, during the preparatory phase of promotions, we added in the calculation options the possibility to choose at what date that all prices must be computed . By checking this option , in the tables of products and combinations, appear in the column final price includes VAT, the exact price with discounts on the selected date . This means that the program will search through all existing specific prices for products, those that will be (or were) applicable on the date of your choice:

Choix de la date de calcul des prix remisés

PrestaPricing's name has never been so pertinent.

New behaviors of the specific prices and quantity discounts tab

Additional information :

As written above, the final prices can now be calculated and rounded in various currencies , various countries and groups of customers , so it was important to included columns with conversion reports, tax rates , discounts that apply groups when the application criteria are modified:

Nouvelles colonnes de la table des prix spécifiques

No more duplicates of special prices !

This may change radically your experience with PrestaShop: now when you add a new price rules ( specific or volume discounts ), the program starts to chech whether it does already exists, for the products and versions concerned, a similar price rule (set for the same criterias, like same country, same currency and so on) and if this is the case it will :

From PS 1.6.1 : update this rule with the new discounts rather than creating a new one ( a duplicate ).

Before PS 1.6.1 : delete the existing rule before adding the one requested.

It works only from PrestaShop 1.4.

Another nice improvement, it is possible specify if the discount amount is including or excluding taxes (PS 1.6 only).

Pas de doublon de règle de prix

With all these innovations, PrestaPricing is now probably the best module to create discounts into PrestaShop.

Support of secured protocols HTTPS,  SFTP, FTPS, FTPES

Automatic reading of remote csv/xls file to import, using HTTP URLS (in addition to FTP)

Most demande, this feature allows you to automatized the importation of listings accessible throught HTTP only.

Support protocoles sécurisés ftps sftp https ftpes

Possibilité d'indiquer l'utilisateur et mot de passe HTTP, comme pour le FTP.

Secured FTP are supported also in the the various images mass upload tools :

Ajout SFTP FTPS ou FTPES des images

Improvements made to the photos upload tool

More advanced automatic mapping of images to products:

Before you could compare a part of the name of image files ( or folder ) with the username, full name , the entire reference or the entire bar code of the products .

For example the file ref123-2.jpg could be automatically  associated with the product having the reference ref123.

Now you can also compare the file name ( or folder ) to a part only of the identifier, the name, reference or product's barcode :

Filtre sur produit

For example the file ref123-2.jpg can now be automatically matched to the product ref123/a

Additionnaly, to cope with more complex situation where the strings to compare have spaces, capital letters, accents or even some extra characters, you have some options to ignore them :

Options de comparaison des nom des fichiers images

For example the file REF123-2.jpg can then be automatically assigned to a product réf 12-3/a by ignoring the differences between ower and upper letters, ignoring spaces, ignoring differences between e and é, and ignoring / .

To work even faster, you can now assign a selection of images in one click (instead of one per one)

This feature can be combined with the automatic association to mulitple products:

Sélection mulitple de photos

You can notice the display format of the column "image" has been changed, to keep visible the file names even when the column width is small.

Searching of matching photos in HTTP and FTP folders and sub-folders

Before version 7.0 , it was already possible to browse a local folder , but now it becomes possible to ask the program to search files in remote folder on FTP servers (servers of products suppliers or wholesalers). And under certain conditions ( http indexed folder), to pick up images in an HTTP folder.

Note also the addition of an option to browse also into the sub folders:

REcherche de photos dans dossiers distants FTP et HTTP

Additional features: support of secured protocols, browsing of sub-folders, absolute or relative path, support of non standard ports number...:

Option sde configuration FTP

We have added a new button to rapidly add a photo from its FTP or HTTP URL (with a copy paste for instance)

So far you had to add a local image and then edit the image path into the table, that was not intuitive. Now it is fast and easy :

Saisie de l'adresse d'une image à téléverser

All the "Delete" buttons are now placed away from other buttons:

Who never clicked, at least once by mistake, on a " eraser" button and confirmed the deletion too quickly, without even reading the alert message ?

To limit the risks , we put them all away from the other buttons to prevent click errors , we made them larger to give them a label and added a red logo (!), in the delete confirmation requests.

Boutons de suppression

Easier FTP (or SFTP, FTPS, FTPES) configuration task :

The previous test button is replaced by two different buttons, one that will test the connection and indicates the names of the found directories (which allows to know where the login points to) and a second to check that the path is correct and points to the PrestaShop folder.

It is not requested any more to include the /img/p/ or img/c/ into the path. We just ask you to indicate the folder name of your PrstaShop, with either an absolute path ( starting with /) or a relative one( without / at the beginning) .

Configuration FTP facilitée

Reminder: configuring the FTP connexion is needed only to upload local photos from the PC to the PrestaShop. It is not needed for FTP (or FTPS,...) and HTTP (or HTTPS) links to images.

New feature in MagicEdit, to replace the first letter of all strings into an UPPER (or capital) letter

Convertir le texte, première lettre en majuscule

Additional we corrected a bug regarding the convertion from HTML to text and text to HTML. Both scripts were inverted in previous versions.

Major other improvements :

  •     Support of XLSX formats of image lists.
  •     Support of the "Multiple Features" module available on Presta Addons (alternative to the Presta-Module solution).
  •     The edge of labels can be made invisible or in another color.
  •     The Import and declinations generator are resizable.
  •     The table listing all duplicates of combination (same key), has now a "select all" button and an export function.
  •     It is possible to not include the attributes group names in the "list of attributes" column of the combinations table. Especially useful for printing more readable labels.
  •     In case of transfer failure of a picture, the program removes the line created in the database to avoid the famous "question mark" image.
  •     Change  of lablels of the filters "with or without variations".
  •     List of countries, states, suppliers and brands in alphabetical order.
  •     Double clicking on a line in the column configuration selector, switches immediately to this configuration and refreshes the tables (avoids having to press "Refresh").
  •     With automatic hooks, it often becomes unnecessary to consider clearing the cache and re-indexing PrestaShop at the end of a working session.
  •     PrestaPricing automatically increases the accuracy (8 decimal places instead of 6) of the reduction rate field of the specific prices database table, to allow final prices to be rounded to rounded to the penny or cent.
  •     In the table of products, on sales and barred final prices are computed for the default combination.
  •     We have added the product number in the separator of block of lines of combinations.
  •     New infinite progress bar and a possible error message on the buttons launching scripts in the background (indexing, duplication, orphan images cleaning, ...).
  •     The"Desc." Tab r(enamed "Formt") is placed in the first position for easier access.
  •     Running in a secondary process (thread) the re-indexing script (to avoid having to wait for it to finish)
  •     Better monitoring of progression during import, thanks to an automatic scrolling of lines on the screen
  •     Scrolling of lines also during the execution of rounding prices routine
  •     Quick search by id (number) in categories lists
  •     Automatic update of the "date_upd" at each modification of a product, from any table or function. Was required for the activation of hooks.
  •     Rounding buttons are been moved to the left of the tableq, with the other common functions (instead of being placed in the mass calculation tool).
  •     In PrestaCategories, the replacement a picture starts by removing the local copy in the cache.
  •     Management of the port numbers on private SQL of OVH web accounts.

Bugs repaired

  •     SQL error default declination changment with PS 1.6.1.

  •     Management of accented characters in the name of images.

  •     SQL error when changing amounts by calculation, when you have a filter on the supplier reference.

  •     Better synchronization of the displayed data between the various tables and tabs.

  •     Corrected link to the update modules page on

  •     SQL error caused by the filter "In this list ("a", "b", "c")".

  •     Indication of the size of the photos before transfer (error by a factor of 100).

  •     No need to refresh the category tree after importing (when the refresh option is unchecked).

  •     With PS 1.6.1, when adding pictures, the cover flag was not always set correctly.

  •     Crash when viewing a specific price related to a private client.

  •     Magic Edit is using the wrong language in the table of translations.

  •     Crash when running twice the product duplication feature.

  •     With PS 1.4, duplicating several copies of several products was duplicating several times only the last in the list.

  •     With PS 1.6.1, SQL error (duplicate on combined key) if adding a product with mulitple selected categories.

  •     The button "/ " (division) remain grayed.

  •     Failed to import new categories with the "Force Ids" option activated.

  •     PrestaCategories did not memorize the selection of the data protection mode.

Others changes made during the beta phase :

Critical (0 à 5) New feature Description Version number Application
0 0 Check updated automatic beta.5.0.0.b.build1 PrestaCatégories
0 0 The refresh button is paced over the "shop" button when clicking on "dsiplay all" beta.5.0.0.b.build1 PrestaCatégories
0 0 The creation of a new group has to update the diverse lists containing the groups beta.5.0.0.b.build1 PrestaCatégories
0 0 When recurrent selection is activated, if the "form" tab is activated and configured in auto save mode, it becomes impossible to edit some columns in the main table (ex Link rewrite) beta.5.0.0.b.build1 PrestaCatégories
0 0 Group of customers get a name before creation beta.5.0.0.b.build1 PrestaCatégories
0 0 The "form" tab must be deactivated when we select more than a category beta.5.0.0.c.build2 PrestaCatégories
1 0 Empty the diverse tables in every reopening of the main window to avoid the possible problems of saturation of memory(report) beta.5.0.0.c.build2 PrestaCatégories
0 0 Crash when cloning 3 categories (which have sub categories) beta.5.0.0.d.build2 PrestaCatégories
4 1 Character counter visible and dynamic even when one is in the description HTML editor beta.5.0.0.d.build2 PrestaCatégories
0 1 Do not cut the length of the text output of the HTML (not practical) editors beta.5.0.0.d.build2 PrestaCatégories
3 1 Added the functions FAA Windev on input fields and buttons (copy paste, local search, spelling correction, adding shortcuts, buttons...) beta.5.0.0.d.build2 PrestaCatégories
0 1 Counter number character in the HTML fields, not counting those tags beta.5.0.0.d.build2 PrestaCatégories
0 1 Ban the saving of the "form" tab when it is empty of data beta.5.0.0.d.build2 PrestaCatégories
0 1 Same limitation of number of characters in the edition in the tab tables "sheet" beta.5.0.0.d.build2 PrestaCatégories
0 1 Indicate the risk of slowdown with the options "ignore part before or after" the name of the product or those who ignore case or accents. beta.5.0.0.d.build2 PrestaCatégories
0 1 Double confirmation on button of all products in a category beta.5.0.0.d.build2 PrestaCatégories
0 1 Read in the base the size of the fields "title" and "meta" and adjust the size of the input fields beta.5.0.0.d.build2 PrestaCatégories
0 0 The use of the function "Cancel" when moving products from one category to another (default Cat) is inoperative the ongoing action is still carried out. beta.5.0.0.e.build1 PrestaCatégories
5 0 Passage of a cell in a row to the bottom row. When I input the data and then press the down arrow key, it does not pass into the cell from the underside.

I need to reposition my cursor and click to re - enter the cell again.
beta.5.0.0.e.build1 PrestaCatégories
0 0 Loss of changes made in the HTML editor when changing the window size 5.0.0.f.build1 PrestaCatégories
0 0 HTML editor wider than the tab that contains 5.0.0.f.build1 PrestaCatégories
0 0 If being edited in the HTML editor it enlarged the window, you lose the changes, even if backup auto is checked 5.0.0.f.build1 PrestaCatégories
0 0 Refresh tables children during the creation of a new product beta.7.0.0.b.build2 PrestaPricing
0 0 Do not create specific price(prize) (import) if columns new price(prize) and discounts(deliveries) are empty both beta.7.0.0.b.build2 PrestaPricing
0 0 Problems of synchronization of the modified data between tables translation, tabs "form", ABC windows   and main tables beta.7.0.0.b.build2 Les deux
0 0 Import of specific price(prize) without column id shop, to use the column id shop of import beta.7.0.0.b.build2 Les deux
5 0 Options 2 and 3 to maintain the same rate of margin than the current, on the product (option2) and also on its variations (option 3), when the purchase price. To keep the margin rate, the program will calculate and will amend the HT sale price or the price impact.

If the selector is gray is that the mass-editing tool is not on the purchase price

If options 2 and 3 are grey, it is without doubt that the column "Rate of margin prior to delivery" is absent from the table. Be sure the add ra
beta.7.0.0.b.build2 PrestaPricing
0 0 Selection of several values of attributes by simple drag and drop (no more window indicating that it is not possible to move lines) beta.7.0.0.b.build2 PrestaPricing
0 0 The photo in the tab "fiche" is astride the text beta.7.0.0.b.build2 PrestaPricing
5 0 Authorize precision up to 6 digits of the discount (Import of a specific prize) beta.7.0.0.b.build2 PrestaPricing
0 0 Automatic check of a new version in every launch beta.7.0.0.b.build2 PrestaPricing
0 1 In the left panel , invert the place of checkbox with that of buttons for a better ergonomics beta.7.0.0.b.build2 Les deux
3 0 The planificator failed to read the csv file access by FTP during the second pass (file left open?) beta.7.0.0.c.build2 PrestaPricing
1 0 Empty the diverse tables in every reopening of the main window to avoid the possible problems of saturation of memory(report) beta.7.0.0.c.build2 PrestaPricing
5 0 Change of default combination via the import generates an error if the product already has one. Pb only with PS 1.6.1 and later beta.7.0.0.c.build2 PrestaPricing
3 0 Import of combinations with key references, if there are duplicates on this key, the window of management of doubles does not open, we just have an error message. beta.7.0.0.c.build2 PrestaPricing
0 0 Optimization: import for simple update of a specific price(prize), product by id, already existing, the request contains full of useless lines concerning stock avaialble. Seen in ps 1.5 beta.7.0.0.c.build2 Les deux
4 0 Modif of price(prices) including tax is not taken into account (multi-shops 1.6 with different prices excluding tax by shop) beta.7.0.0.c.build2 PrestaPricing
4 0 Lost of the HTML editor button and of the letters counter of the summary tab beta.7.0.0.c.build2 PrestaPricing
0 0 No display and access to the fields of adjustment of the angles of the titles of columns and the number of levels in the column arborescence beta.7.0.0.c.build2 PrestaPricing
4 0 PS1 .5, if we modify the discount(delivery) of a price(prize) specific, it is deleted beta.7.0.0.c.build2 PrestaPricing
4 0 Successive import of a specific price(prize) in PS 1.5, is creating duplicates beta.7.0.0.c.build2 PrestaPricing
0 0 Refresh of letters counter when leaving the HTML editor beta.7.0.0.c.build2 PrestaPricing
2 1 Import of lines with " does not exist " status are ignored (but lines are not any more unselected). This not to block the execution of the final options of deactivation of the obsolete products. beta.7.0.0.c.build2 Les deux
0 1 Automatic backup of the current source, during a click on any button of steps of the process of import beta.7.0.0.c.build2 PrestaPricing
0 1 Remove the window of warning when we reduce the window (displayed only once for ever) beta.7.0.0.c.build2 PrestaPricing
1 1 After the import import, return to the line shown at the top of the table, and not to the 1st selected line beta.7.0.0.c.build2 PrestaPricing
1 1 Click on "import" go back automatically to the stage 3 to see the progress bar during the import. beta.7.0.0.c.build2 PrestaPricing
2 1 Add of a new counter (number of line lines being ignored) during the automatic imports beta.7.0.0.c.build2 PrestaPricing
3 0 If PS version 1.4, not possible to modify a specific price, directly in the table beta.7.0.0.d.build2 PrestaPricing
4 0 The id_attribut field of the image transfer table column is limited to 20 characters. Should be monger to handle lis tof attributes beta.7.0.0.d.build2 PrestaPricing
2 0 Error on line 164 of the treatment Procedure local Affichage_Table_Product_Attribute. beta.7.0.0.d.build2 PrestaPricing
5 0 The titles of the table of products present an angle of each launch, even if the setting is set to 0 degree beta.7.0.0.d.build2 Les deux
4 0 Import csv with a separator of columns equal a TAB, the mapping does not work if you input tab lowercase. beta.7.0.0.d.build2 PrestaPricing
0 0 Do not cut the length of the text when closing the HTML editors beta.7.0.0.d.build2 PrestaPricing
5 0 Error line 6 of the treatment Proc takes local construit__chaine_in_selected_shops. beta.7.0.0.d.build2 PrestaPricing
5 0 Ban he saving of the "form" tab when it is empty of data beta.7.0.0.d.build2 PrestaPricing
5 0 Error on line 28 of the treatment Procedure local assigner_un_fichier_image. beta.7.0.0.d.build2 PrestaPricing
5 0 Failed to import specific prices limited to (two columns only, customer group and new base price. OK only if we add (even empty) the column "type of delivery". beta.7.0.0.d.build2 PrestaPricing
5 0 Http URL with parameters prohibited in the path of the file to import (? forbidden) beta.7.0.0.d.build2 PrestaPricing
2 0 Changing the language of the data, review tables of the features and attributes if already filled beta.7.0.0.d.build2 PrestaPricing
3 0 To be able to save from PrestaPricing the maximum length of the short descriptions in the database of PrestaShop (from PS 1.6) beta.7.0.0.d.build2 Les deux
4 0 When it imports new product, it automatically populates the date of availability with the day's date. Should leave this field blank. beta.7.0.0.d.build2 PrestaPricing
4 0 Memorization of angrage side panel no longer works beta.7.0.0.d.build2 PrestaPricing
5 0 Error on line 193 of the treatment Procedure overall upload_liste_images_a_transferer. beta.7.0.0.d.build2 PrestaPricing
5 0 Consider as valid specific prices with a beginning date but no ending date beta.7.0.0.d.build2 Les deux
5 0 SQL error if one removes the date of availability of a product (missing ' ' in SQL query after the =) beta.7.0.0.d.build2 PrestaPricing
3 1 Indicate the risk of slowdown with the options "ignore part before or after" the name of the product or those who ignore case or accents. beta.7.0.0.d.build2 Les deux
4 1 Added the functions FAA of Windev on input fields and buttons (copy paste, local search, spelling correction, adding shortcuts, buttons...) beta.7.0.0.d.build2 PrestaPricing
4 1 Read in the base the size of the fields "title" and "meta" and adjust the size of the input fields beta.7.0.0.d.build2 Les deux
3 1 Same limitation of number of characters in the editing tables and import csv/xls in the tab "plug" beta.7.0.0.d.build2 Les deux
3 1 MagicEdit. Copy to column r f conference provider => Pop up warning to explain that ca not work than if the product a default provider beta.7.0.0.d.build2 Les deux
3 1 Character counter visible and dynamic even when the short description HTML editor is opened beta.7.0.0.d.build2 PrestaPricing
3 1 The counter of the number of character in the HTML fields should not count the characters of the HTML tags beta.7.0.0.d.build2 PrestaPricing
5 0 Passage of a cell in a row to the bottom row. When I input the data and then press the down arrow key, it does not pass into the cell from the underside.I need to reposition my cursor and click to re - enter the cell again. beta.7.0.0.e.build1 Les deux
4 0 Hook actionProductQuantityUpdate does not work => not triggering AlertEmail 7.0.0.f.build1 PrestaPricing
3 0 Outbreak of the Hooks if two shops 1 and 2 are selected mode change multi shops is done well on two shops but the info's return seems to say that only the second is impacted 7.0.0.f.build1 Les deux
3 0 Not grey out button Add a feature if "Custom" is selected, even if there is no shared value for this feature 7.0.0.f.build1 Les deux
0 0 In English the title of the window for rounding the price is incorrect 7.0.0.f.build1 PrestaPricing
4 0 Import of shared features values. The program included in its search for id values existing, custom values. Should do so only if it selected value custom and more digging that dasn value custom of the same product. The consequence is that the feature custom prodits change and it is as if some products lost their characteristics 7.0.0.f.build1 Les deux
0 0 Error on line 22 of the treatment Procedure local affiche_vignette_produit.

Member 'm_id_shopp' does not exist in the class or structure 'c_ps_product_shop'.
7.0.0.f.build1 PrestaPricing
0 0 Column id color default = adding explanatory aid 7.0.0.f.build1 PrestaPricing
4 0 auto-sync with ebay (via the hook) 7.0.0.f.build1 PrestaPricing
5 0 Add actionProductUpdate and actionProductAdd in the list of the Hooks enabled when modifying a product 7.0.0.f.build1 PrestaPricing
2 0 "If the option ' delete them text enclosed in quotation marks," and enabled in the a CSV import, if over the last column is a text and the 1st contains the barcode, the last quotation mark is confused with the 1st digit of the following bar code. We are then left with instead of 13 12-digit bar codes. 7.0.0.f.build1 Les deux
3 0 PS version 1.4, the modification of the quantity of a declination via the calculator does not change the date of the parent (pb for execution of the hooks) product update 7.0.0.f.build1 PrestaPricing
4 0 You can add a custom feature to a product (or several) without having before manually remove old features custom (add an automatic deletion). The same power remplcer worth comune by value custom and vice versa, without having to delete it before. 7.0.0.f.build1 PrestaPricing
5 1 Compatibility module features Olea multiple and grouped. 7.0.0.f.build1 PrestaPricing
  • Pa**** * **********om

    Pa**** * **********om 12/15/2015 Reply

    Beau travail.
    Beaucoup de nouveautés très utiles et une interface plus pratique.
    Un logiciel indispensable qui continue à s'améliorer !
  • Da******* *******an

    Da******* *******an 12/11/2015 Reply

    Wouh, c'est du lourd, quel travail, bravo une nouvelle fois!
    Vivement le 15 pour tester l'import en masse des prix soldés
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