Prestashop inventories, a new tool in Merlin 1.5
Just a few days to go before the public release of Merlin Backoffice version 1.5. It's time to tell you a little about one of the new features that will delight all those who, every year, have to carry out the legal inventory of their stock.
When we thought up and designed the new quick search tool for products and declinations in the database, we had a twofold objective in mind. Firstly, to be able to quickly find an item and display or modify its data, without knowing its location in the database (its main category). Secondly, to be able to use the same tool as an assistant during inventories.
The idea is to enable the use of barcode scanners to count the items physically present in your warehouse or store, and automatically save this count in a file, containing all the useful information on the products counted (their assumed quantity, price, etc.). At the click of a button, all missing products can be added to the file, with a quantity of zero.
The tool then calculates losses for you, in terms of number and cost.
The file thus created can be exported in Excel format, and can of course be used to update PrestaShop inventories, thus leaving you with a synchronized base.
The Quick Search tool is included natively and free of charge from the basic version. The basic tool completes the functionalities already included with the "Advanced inventory management" option. If your license already includes this option, this new tool will be free for you, otherwise you'll just have to add it to your license.
Although it's super-intuitive to use, we're preparing a new video tutorial for you very soon.