Merlin Backoffice 1.5 is now available
New quick search tool and new advanced filtering tool
Find products or variations in a few clicks without knowing where they are stored.
Even more powerful than the pre-filter.
Memorize and re-use at leisure your search parameters.
View video (french only)
New MagicEdit
Now available for all columns, even numbers.
Save and reuse your settings.
Concatenate up to 5 columns in one operation (easy SEO!)
New MagicFormula tool and free computed columns
To modify data with mathematical formulas or text concatenation using data from other columns (see other tables)
To display non-standard data such as margin coefficient
To dynamically create and fill by calculation missing columns in your import files!
View video (french only)
Management of physical inventories
Flash barcodes in your stock and create inventory files
Know the value of your stock, your losses...
Command line launch
So that Merlin launches itself at night, connects itself and launches alone the scheduled imports.
Manage catalog files accessible by PHP script.
Click here to see the full list of other new features and patches