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[FAQ] Prestashop categories description show up unformated, with html tags visible

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Inscrit le : 04/12/2011

Messages : 520

Publié : 19/12/2011 16:57:49 "Citer"

Frequent question from our customers: After having entered the descriptions of the product categories, using the html wysiwyg editor of PrestaCategories, they are displayed unformated in the front office and the html tags are visible. What am I doing wrong ?


Inscrit le : 04/12/2011

Messages : 520

Publié : 19/12/2011 17:13:54 "Citer"

This is "normal". By default, Prestashop is considering the categories description has being pure or raw text. It is not trying to compile the html tags and to format the text, it simply shows everything as if it was pure text.
This is why, in the back office of Prestashop, the category editor is a basic ansi text editor and not an html editor.

PrestaCategory is allowing you the edit the descriptions in full html, great, but... still, in order to have Prestashop displaying it as html, we need to change its behavior by changing a few lines of it core code (category.php file in /classes/).

If you do not feel confortable doing this code edit by yourself, please contact us.

On request, we can also replace the backoffice text editor in the category edit form by an html text editor, like it exists in the product edit form.

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