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PrestaPricing: Prestashop module for products bulk update or creation and CSV importation


Your best Prestashop module : bulk manage, create and edit your products and plan automatic CSV imports

With this standalone Windows application, securely connected to your database, and running much faster than Prestashop backoffice, you will easily create and bulk update your products and combinaisons parameters, like prices, SEO and many other attributes, images...

Includes mass updates, management and import tools (drop-shipping).

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Prestashop products management. Fast and bulk creation and updates of products and attributes combinations - Very flexible csv or xls import tools

Introduction: 15 minutes demo of PrestaPricing (V4.1):

Video presenting the interface and the basic features of PrestaPricing V4.1. It also includes a short introduction to the mass edit tools

Video presenting the interface and the basic features of PrestaPricing V4.1. It also includes a short introduction to the mass edit tools



What's for ? PrestaPricing is not a free addon, but provides the features of 100 modules for the cost of 1.


  • PrestaPricing is a standalone Windows application, to create and bulk manage your products and variants. It is also a products and categories csv/Excel import tool. Totally secured, it connects directly to your Prestashop products database for real time editing.
  • Its intends is to replace the catalog backoffice, to work 100 time faster on all daily or periodic database maintenance.
  • With a very friendly and powerful user interface, it allows you to very quickly bulk edit the prices, weights, references, SEO fields and most of the other parameters of your products and their combinations (more than 200 selectable columns).  
  • It has never been so easy and and quick to maintain hundreds or thousands of products and attributes combinations.
  • You can for example activate all (or a selection of) products at once, or increase the prices of all products of any number of categories by x% with one click.
  • Prices can be computed and set automatically to reach or keep a given margin, taking into account specific prices, quantity discount, customer groups, location, etc...
  • Prices can also be rounded automatically (to the closest unit, to 0.9, 0.99 and so on). Including the rounding of final prices after discounts
  • But it is not just about prices or quantities. It is also a bulk texts editor (have a look at the MagicEdit video below), to modify your products' names or description or fill in the SEO fields on hundred of products, in mulitple languages, in minutes...
  • It includes many tools like mass duplication of products, mass edit of tags, mass upload of list of images to product or combinations, advanced filtering and searching tool, bulk association to carriers, attachments or accessories, HTML editors, combinations generator, data file exportation and importation, PDF catalog and stickers generator, code bars generator and so much more...
  • It is available in two versions, LE and PRO. The PRO option brings two additional features:
  • Importation (to create or update) of items from an external file (csv, xls, xlsx,... listings).
  • Support of the advanced stock management mode (stocks in warehouses).

Detailled presentation :


Complete training on PrestaPricing V6 - part 1/4 (duration: 16min):

Part 1 on 4 of the basic training on PrestaPricing V6. Mainly focused on the interface, this is a mandatory prerequisites of the following tutorials
Part 1 on 4 of the basic training on PrestaPricing V6. Mainly focused on the interface, this is a mandatory prerequisites of the following tutorials

Part 1 on 4 of the basic training on PrestaPricing V6. Mainly focused on the interface, this is a mandatory prerequisites of the following tutorials. Topics covered : interface, left navigation panel, columns setting, refresh data, associated categories vs default category, multi shops context, paginators,...




Complete training on PrestaPricing V6 - part 2/4 (duration: 17min):

Part 2 on 4 of the basic training on PrestaPricing V6. Mainly focused on details of the interface
Part 2 on 4 of the basic training on PrestaPricing V6. Mainly focused on details of the interface

Part 2 on 4 of the basic training on PrestaPricing V6. Mainly focused on details of the interface. Topics covered : elevators, custom configuration of columns, lines and columns order and sizes change, quick search, areas' size change, navigation and control panel in details, filters, multiple lines selectors




Complete training on PrestaPricing V6 - part 3/4 (duration: 28min):

Part 3 on 4 of the basic training on PrestaPricing V6. Mainly focused on the articles edition
Part 3 on 4 of the basic training on PrestaPricing V6. Mainly focused on the articles edition

Part 3 on 4 of the basic training on PrestaPricing V6. Mainly focused on the articles edition. Topics covered : existing products edition (one by one and bulk modifications), URLs rewritten, bulk computing, self computing of selling prices (margin rate management), rounding prices, MagicEdit (to mass edit texts), product feature and attributes columns, photos's URLs, specific prices columns, customizable columns,...




Complete training on PrestaPricing V6 - part 4/4 (duration: 57min):

Part 4 on 4 of the basic training on PrestaPricing V6. Here you'll learn how to create and duplicate products, attributes and all other parameters
Part 4 on 4 of the basic training on PrestaPricing V6. Here you'll learn how to create and duplicate products, attributes and all other parameters

Part 4 on 4 of the basic training on PrestaPricing V6. Here you'll learn how to create and duplicate products, attributes and all other parameters. Topics covered : bulk creation ,duplications, deletion of new products, images folders cleaning, specific prices and quantity discounts tab, product features tab, bulk associations of tags, carriers, attachments, accessories, translations tab, descriptions tab (TML editor), combinations and attributes tab (generator overview), images tab overview, PDF catalogs, stickers generator, export, import,...



Create, duplicate or complete and mass edit attributes and products variants with PrestaPricing's multi-products and incremental combinations generator.


PrestaPricing is a mass edit tool, while in Prestashop back office you can only edit product one by one. You can also create and bulk edit product features, attributes, specific prices and quantity discounts, accessories and so more...

In previous versions, you could already create attributes groups and values (even duplicates values from groups to groups) and bulk associate them to combinations. From version 6, it includes a very powerfull and flexible combinations generator. Powerfull because very fast and not limited in number of variants, it can also create combinations in multiples products at once. Flexible because it does not require (as does PrestaShop) to delete all existing combinations when you have to add new attributes. It can update, duplicate, replace existing variants and add missing ones on top (without creating duplicates). Warning : To activate this generator in PrestaPricing, you must install in your Prestashop, our other module called "Generate and clone combinations"


NEW Tutorial : Combinations and attributes tab plus combinations generator of PrestaPricing V6 (duration: 42min):

Tutorial : Combinations and attibutes tab plus combinations generator of PrestaPricing V6
Tutorial : Combinations and attibutes tab plus combinations generator of PrestaPricing V6

This video is a complete training on the combinations tab. You'll get trained on how to create new attributes groups, new values, how to clone them, to bulk associate them to products, to re-order them... The second part of the video will train you on how to use the combinations generator and modifier



Bulk link of products to accessories or accessoires to products or even categories to categories.


Have you ever dream of associating a selection of accessoires to many products in one click ? Or to duplicate the list of accessoires of a product into others products ? Or to automatically associate to new products, the accessoires of old products ? Stop dreaming, just do it with PrestaPricing's accessories bulk edit tools.


Includes MagicEdit technology for mass edit of texts, directly in the database.


Search replace text for hundred of products in one clic. Insert common text, link, images at the beginning or the end of existing content (like in the description). Combine (or copy) data accross fields (like copying the product reference into the supplier reference). Generate series of bar codes (UPC or EAN13) accross your entire database or selection of products or combinations. Generate product references or supplier references series (auto increment).


Full support of multiple languages sites. Display and mass edit product names, SEO fields, descriptions and all text fields in mulitple languages.


Create, clone and associate features (and shared and custom features values) to hundred of products in one shot. Filter items on features.


It has also never been so easy and efficient to create, duplicate, massively associate product's features (characteristics) to collections of products.

Tutorial: How to massively create, edit and duplicate product features with PrestaPricing V4.1 (duration: 6min)::

This video is demonstrating the usage of PrestaPricing V4.1 to create, edit and duplicate product features

This video is demonstrating the usage of PrestaPricing V4.1 module to create and edit product features in Prestashop. It explains in particular how to duplicate the caracteristics of a product to a set of products or categories.



Bulk creation and fast edition of quantity discounts and specific prices. Set up all promotions and activate the on sales logo in a minute.


Offers the capability to fully manage the discounts, specific and volume pricesand stock. It will make massive prices management a snap, particularly during "on sale" periods.

Tutorial: How to set temporary promotion or quantity discounts on many Prestashop products, using PrestaPricing module V4 (duration: 9min)::

This tutorial explain how to set up product discounts in your shop, using PrestaPricing V4

This tutorial explain how to set up product discounts in your shop (specific prices and quantity discounts, using PrestaPricing V4



Export to Excel (for market places or prices comparison sites) your list of products, combinations, categories, attributes, features, images and more. Create PDF catalogs and generate printable and customizable prices stickers and labels, with bar codes


  • Beside other things, it includes a very powerful and customizable catalog printing and exporting engine.
  • You can copy paste a data from one cell to an entire column or selections of cells (with immediate update of the database).
  • You see immediately the final retail prices with and without taxes (in any country / state).


Full support of the multishops mode.


The new 1.5 Prestashop version and its multi shops mode is also supported. Using both PrestaPricing and it little brother PrestaCategories, you get all the required tools to manage your catalog in an effective and fast manner, in a multi shops context. You can for instance edit multiple products in multiple shops simultaneously, even if the shops do not belong to the same group of shops.

Training on the multishops management in PrestaPricing V5, for Prestashop 1.5 and later (duration: 28min):

Training on the multishops management in PrestaPricing V5, for Prestashop 1.5 and later

The major characteristic of Prestashop 1.5 is the multishop mode. PrestaPricing V5 is supporting this mode and brings advanced mass edit functions to create and modify products, declinations, images, characteristics etc, in multiple shops. This video will train you on the mono and multi-shops edition modes, the multi duplication of products, the associations of images and characteristics to various shops.



Probably the most powerfull and flexible addons to export and import products, combinations, categories, images and much more.


PrestaPricing also includes a very powerfull and flexible export / import engine (optional). Allows you to create Excel files, with your products and your combinations. Choice of products and combinations, choice of columns and various calculation options when importing.

  • The importation permits to massively create and update new products (including categories if you also own PrestaCategories)) and combinations in the Prestashop database, using lists (xls, xlsx or csv/txt files) provided by suppliers or exported from an older version of Prestashop. Such a tool is a must have when working on drop-shipping and having to update massively and regularly the product catalog.
  • The synchronisation between the file and the database can be done on many parameters (identifiers, names, references, supplier references, bars codes).
  • It can automatically create and/or update products, categories (requires PrestaCategories), combinations, manufacturers, suppliers, features and attributes. It supports mostly all parameters (more than 70) like prices, quantities, names, descriptions, SEO fields, accessories list, images,...
  • Supports multi shops and multi languages.
  • Includes a columns mapping tool to create re-usable mapping models per supplier.
  • One of the most important benefit of this importation tool, is its flexibility: It displays the content of the file in the screen, to allow you de select the columns (database fields) and lines (product or variants) to import or not.
  • The tools is flexible enough to cope with any file organized in columns. The number, the names and the order of the columns does not matter
  • News : starting from the version 6, PrestaPricing is also capable of importing the categories. You simply need to have columns containing either their unique name (will search for it in the entire structure and add it under home is not found)) or full (all names from home) or partial (just the direct parent) paths (names of its parent categorie(s))
  • Warning : This new advanced featured requires that PrestaCategories is also installed and running on the same PC. So this is another good reason to acquire them both as a pack and get benefit of the -15% discount on both.


News, from the version 7, PrestaPricing is including the importation of specific prices (to rapidly implement promotions during on sales periods) and quantity discounts (sale per volume)


UPDATED Quick overview of the new xls/xlsx/csv importation tool of PrestaPricing V5, updated for V6 (duration 15mm)

Quick overview (8min) of the new xls/csv importation tool of PrestaPricing V5.1
Quick overview (8min) of the new xls/csv importation tool of PrestaPricing V5.1

This video is making a quick tour of the new Excel or csv product and combinations list import features included in PrestaPricing V5.1. Has been updated to show the main differences in version 6



Very detailled tutorial of the xls/csv import feature of PrestaPricing V6. Part 1 on 2 : Importation of categories and products (duration: 1h36min):

Very detailled tutorial of the xls/csv import feature of PrestaPricing V6. Part 1 on 2 : Importation of categories and products ( duration: 1h36min)
Very detailled tutorial of the xls/csv import feature of PrestaPricing V6. Part 1 on 2 : Importation of categories and products ( duration: 1h36min)

V5.1 of PrestaPricing was major release coming with a new and powerfull importation tool. V6 reach another millestone, adding a new interface, the import of categories, an automation tool,.... This first part of our tutorial is showing how to create or update products and categories via import. It also explains how to create new suppliers, new features, and to have the selling price calculated by the program, from the wholesale price and a define margin rate. Last but not least, it explains all possible options and feature, like the embbeded upload of photos, the filtering,...



Second part of the very detailled tutorial of the xls/csv import feature of PrestaPricing V6. Part 2 on 2 : Importation of combinations (duration: 37min):

Very detailled tutorial of the xls/csv import feature of PrestaPricing V6. Part 2 on 2 : Importation of combinations ( duration: 37min)
Very detailled tutorial of the xls/csv import feature of PrestaPricing V6. Part 2 on 2 : Importation of combinations ( duration: 37min)

This is the second part of your advanced training on the import. Here will focus on the product's combinations and their photos. This second part is much shorter, as most of the concepts used have already been explained in detail in the previous video. But all specific tips about combinations imports are covered.



Automatic recurrent updates and imports from an Excel file located on a server (like CRON tasks)


News : One of the most demanded features was the famous CRON. Here it is now, called "The planificator. This new embedded tool allows the user to plan importation events. These events will execute themselves at any date/time, with any hourly, daily, weekly, monthly recurrency, making the creation and update of products, categories, combinations fully automatic. The tool can even automatically search for the most recent version of data file located on suppliers' servers. Multiple and various events can be planned and monitored. The tool provides detailled succes or failure report for each of them"

NEW Tutorial : The import planificator in Version 6 of PrestaPricing, to have your catalog updates done automatically at any frequency ( duration: 23min):

The import planificator in Version 6 of PrestaPricing, to have to imports done automatically at any frequency
The import planificator in Version 6 of PrestaPricing, to have to imports done automatically at any frequency

The planificator is a bit like CRON import. It can be configured so the importation wil execute themselves at any planned date and time, at any recurrency. Here you'll get trained on how to configure it, to plan your events and to control their execution



Associate photos to combinations, Automatically fill the Alt tag (legends). Define cover images. Create PDF catalogs with photos.


You can upload hundreds of new photos with a few clicks and have them automatically associated to the corresponding products.The upload is executed inthe background, so you can continue to create or modify other produts in parallel. No more waste time waiting for images to be transfered.

Tutorial: How to display and edit products and combinations photos in PrestaPricing V4.1 (duration: 7min)::

This video tutorial is demonstrating how to include photos in products and combinations tables of PrestaPricing V4.1. It also explains how to edit them (select the image cover, edit the legend, assign photo to combinations, change the order of images. Last, it shows how to select table columns and create customized paper or pdf catalogs.

This video tutorial is demonstrating how to include photos in products and combinations tables of PrestaPricing V4.1. It also explains how to edit them (select the image cover, edit the legend, assign photo to combinations, change the order of images. Last, it shows how to select table columns and create customized paper or pdf catalogs.



Upload thousands of products and combinations photos and images in the background. Automatic association of a folder of images to products.


Tutorial: How to bulk upload product images in Prestashop with PrestaPricing V4.1 (duration: 11min)::

This video tutorial is demonstrating how to massively upload your Prestashop product images with  PrestaPricing V4.1. You will also learn how to assign them to product combinations and to configure PrestaPricing to have the image files automatically assigned to the corresponding products.

This video tutorial is demonstrating how to massively upload your Prestashop product images with PrestaPricing V4.1. You will also learn how to assign them to product combinations and to configure PrestaPricing to have the image files automatically assigned to the corresponding products.


Advanced stocks management support (warehouses)

Included in the 7.2 PRO version only . (Tutorial comming soon)

New tab and table to bulk associate products to suppliers, define supplier specific prices and supplier references.

In V7.2 version.
(Tutorial coming soon)

Now coming with the famous CKEditor (advanced HTML editor)


What is different from Prestashop  Backoffice ?

  • The backoffice is a web application, therefore much slower than a Windows application. For example, with the backoffice, each single change on a combination, requires the entire page to be uploaded again. It is ok if you have lot of time to loose. Not us.
  • With PrestaPricing, each change is applied instantly, with no wait at all! You can easily navigate from one product to another, swap to another combination, all this on a single click. You can even use the copy-paste between articles.
  • The backoffice does not propose any tool to modify prices and quantities of many products at once while PrestaPricing permits mass edit on entire columns and includes many bulk modification tools, on numbers, texts, attributes, features,...
  • Some of its advanced tools, like the import tool or the combinations generator and modifier, have no possible comparison with the native tools of Prestashop. Everything here is defined to make you save time.

I use Excell so far. What are the pro-cons of PrestaPricing  ?

  • PrestaPricing main interface works in real time, connected to the database. Your edits in the tables are immediately taken into account. No need to export/import or even to click on a save button. This is optimum for daily maintenance.
  • The native import feature of PrestaShop is very limited. It rapidly crashes above 500 products, while PrestaPricing import can cope with any number of lines (current record is 340 000 products created in one import session, from the same file).
  • Prestashop import is also much slower and risky. With PrestaPricing, you have full control and visibility on what to import and how.

Works on all servers?


  • No need to have a direct (also called "external") access to the MySQL database.
  • No need to open the server's port 3306.
  • No need to use the SSH protocol (rarely proposed as server option).
  • No need to install any pluggin on the server.
  • Totally secured.

The only exception: PrestaBox solution, as Prestashop has blocked the ftp acces on this platform.


Coming evolutions:

  • PrestaPricing is constanly enriched with new features.
  • Coming next: 
  • Importation of advanced stock management data
  • Mass upload of attachments.
  • Management of orders (not yet decided) : We recommend our mobile solution to manage your orders, shipments and customers relashionship : PrestaOrders.


The purchase of the current version is including  free download of all coming upgrades during the next six months. 



  • Available in English and French.
  • Full UTF8 (UNICODE) alphabets support.


  • Fully tested on Prestashop versions 1.2.x, 1.3.x, 1.4.x, 1.5.x, 1.6.x, and now (from 7.2.0) compatible with PrestaShop 1.7 
  • Not working with previous versions, beta and RC versions.
  • Supports both Prestashop Download and Prestashop Cloud versions (with the exception of the FTP transfer of photos).


  • Requires Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 or 10, 32 or 64 bits.
  • Tested successfully on MAC using Parallels Desktop 8 or later.
  • Tested successfully on Linux using Virtual Box and W8.1 32 bits.

License rights and limitations:

Please read the included license for more details.

  • The license is valid for one PC and one site only. Multi users (multi PCs) are also available at a cheap price. The 2 PCs licence is currently offered for each new order.
  • If you plan to use the application on multiple sites, you have to purchase a multi sites license. Cheaper than buying multiple licenses, even if our price is highly digressive.
  • When purchased with a multi sites license, the application will allows you to save and retrieve the connection parameters for all your sites. A must have feature.
  • If you are a developer of sites for customers, you must purchase one license for each of their PCs, in case you plan to distribute this application with your products or services.
  • For high volumes of users or PCs, please contact us for a quotation.


Sitolog and MyPhotoRescue 2010-2020

Installation guide:

Follow the readme-first.txt file included in the downloaded zip.


To see the detailled history of versions, click here...

  • News (2017/06/26) : Version 7.2.8 (stable) is available
  • News (2017/01/16) : Version 7.2.4 is available, COMPATIBLE WITH PS 1.7
  • News (2016/11/03) : Beta version 7.1.0.b is available. With suport of advanced stock management and warehouses. Faster and more than 30 other new features
  • News (2016/01/29) : Final version 7.0.0.g is available. This is a major release with more than 30 innovative new features like the import and the rounding of the final prices after discounts, the support of PrestaShop hooks, a new interface... See here for more details.
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Product Details

Data sheet

Latest public version :
Sitolog connector version :
Prestashop compatibility :
1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7
Application format :
Windows application (7, 8, 10, 11). On MAC, use Parallels Desktop or VMWare. On Linux use Virtualbox.
Languages :
French, English
Requires to modify Prestashop core :
file size :
Multi-sites licence option :
Minimum screen definition :
Overall rating
52 Reviews
Time saved
Faire du prestashop sans prestapricing, c'est comme faire un marathon sans chaussures et coach. Franchement dès les premiers jours d'utilisations, on se rend compte que c'est tout simplement impossible de gérer de grande bases de données sans ce genre d'outils... Surtout bien prendre le temps de regarder les vidéos très bien faites, ça permet d'aller droit au but sans trop se poser de questions... Merci
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