Mass management of custom fields in PrestaShop

28/12/2022 Franck Bugnet Category

Mass management of custom fields

The definition of a custom field is very broad, we can use this term for example to talk about :
  • A zone in your product pages that allows you to display additional information, not provided natively by PrestaShop, for example the recommended retail price by the manufacturer.
  • Tables and fields added in the database by a third party module.
  • Non-standard fields or parameters added by yourself or the webmaster in the database.

  • Merlin Backoffice Flex not only allows you to read and modify this type of data individually, but also allows you to create and modify them en masse, with its classic tools such as copy and paste or MagicEdit, MagicFormula and file import.

    This category of our knowledge base gathers several tutorials and step-by-step instructions to help you discover the power of this feature.

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